Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
This sounds cool. I'd love love to see the slides or better yet, a sceen-cast.
Collaborative estimation and planning is a key concept for all agile development process frameworks. We will present a solution for playing "Planning Poker" that enables distributed development teams to estimate the effort of work items and build consensus in a collaborative way.
The prototype uses Google Wave as a collaboration platform and OSLC (http://www.open-services.net) for seamless integration with the developer IDE and work environment. We will show a demo on how a distributed team can estimate user stories and tasks from a product backlog in a collaborative way, and instantly use the results as the base for further sprint planning.
Additionally, attendees will learn some basic concepts and features about Google Wave, OSLC and IBM Rational Team Concert.
Dave Johnson in IBM
08:15AM Jun 16, 2010
Mainsoft's Team Concert to Lotus Connections integration is getting better and better. I know this because I spent about 12 hours last week offering demos of the product at Innovate 2010. The except below is from a blog post on Jazz.net about the newest preview release. You can try it now. There's a download link at the end of the post and, like Team Concert, it's nice and easy to install and configure.
Read more...Build a Community around Your Project
Growing a social network around a software project brings developers up to speed faster. New hires and teams that are added to a core team will find all the information they need in a central Lotus Connections community, including blogs, forums, wikis, file repositories, and bookmarks. These collaboration systems offer a broad teamwork base for any software project. For example, wikis can hold product specifications, blogs can be used to publish roadmaps to a wider audience, forums can be used to gather feedback from beta testers, and a file repository hosts nightly builds with download statistics and commentary features.
Creating a new Lotus Connections community, or linking to an existing one, only takes a couple of clicks. The administrator sets the Lotus Connections community in the Social Network tab under project management.
Once the project community is created, all project members are added to it and as new developers join the project, they automatically become members of the project community.
Dave Johnson in IBM
08:00AM Jun 16, 2010
From my point-of-view, this was the big news from Innovate 2010: integration, linking and process automation across the software lifecycle from requirements, dev, build and test -- based on open interfaces defined by OSLC:
Dave Thomson: Why is this important? The activities involving requirements, development, build and test are not process silos. Integrating these disciplines through process automation, links between artifacts, and reporting across these links improves the productivity of teams while also improving the quality of the deliverables from those teams.
To focus this effort, were bringing Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and a new requirements management product tentatively named Rational DOORS Requirements Professional more closely together and calling this set of products the Rational Workbench for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
Whats a workbench? A Workbench is a term we use to describe a combination of products, services, and best practices that are designed to work well together to solve a particular problem.
Dave Johnson in IBM
08:47AM Jun 14, 2010
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I haven't mentioned it yet here on my blog, but I've been working as the spec lead for the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) since January of this year.
I hope to blog about OSLC more later, but now I'm writing to tell you about a talk that I'll be doing with Rational Chief Architect John Wiegand at Innovate 2010 The Rational Software Conference in Early June. Here are the details:
Session: ALM-2210B: Open Services (OSLC) and Jazz: Working Together
When: Mon, 7/Jun, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Where: Dolphin - Northern Salon E4
Rational proposed the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) initiative at the Rational Software Conference in 2008 to make life better for software delivery teams by easing the way tools can be used in combination. Two years later, we are gratified to see an active and open community making this vision a reality. This presentation will explain the challenge of tool integration, how the OSLC community is addressing the challenge, and how Jazz builds atop OSLC to deliver an open lifecycle platform
For more information on OSLC, visit http://open-services.net
UPDATED: scheduled change - talk is now 3PM to 4PM.
Interested in attending Innovate 2010? You can register here.
Dave Johnson in IBM
03:57AM Apr 28, 2010
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Here's something I've been closely involved with during my entire IBM career (almost 9 months now): making software development more social by integrating Rational Team Concert and Lotus Connections.
In case you don't know, Team Concert is Rational's "complete agile collaborative development environment" with integrated source code control, issue tracking, build management and very slick Eclipse and web-based client UIs -- it's a collaborative environment for software developers. Lotus Connections is IBM's comprehensive social software suite with blogs (Roller based!), wikis, social bookmarking, forums, file sharing, social networking and more -- an environment for more general collaboration.
IBM partner Mainsoft has developed an integration between Team Concert and Connections and it's now available as a tech preview. The product makes it easy for developers to hook a a software development project up to a Lotus Connections and enable software developers to collaborate with the much wider community of folks involved with a software project including end users, subject matter experts, executives and other stakeholders. As you can see from the list of features, it's a pretty tight integration.
If you want to learn more about the integration, check out the links I referenced above. There's also a short podcast available at Developer Works and there will be sessions at Lotusphere 2010 this month and (with luck) at Rational's Innovate 2010 Conference in June.
Dave Johnson in IBM
01:25PM Jan 04, 2010
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