Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
I feel pretty strongly about this. I won't vote for a politician who backs SOPA or PIPA:
Obama Administration Comes Out Against SOPA, PIPA | TPM Idea Lab:Even more promising for critics of the bills, the Administration came down firmly against one of the most vehemently opposed portions of the bills the part that would give the government the power to force Internet Service Providers to stop loading overseas webpages accused of piracy. Under the original versions of SOPA and PIPA, ISPs would be required to change their Doman Name System settings to block sites accused of piracy, a measure that critics said would essentially break the Internet and make it more insecure.
Dave Johnson in General
09:59AM Jan 14, 2012
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Dave Johnson in Links
12:00PM Mar 14, 2009
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My country and even my state have made me damn proud this week. Congratulations to President-elect Obama and thanks to all the folks who worked so hard for change over the past couple of years.
Dave Johnson in General
03:58AM Nov 07, 2008
And please get well soon.
Update: I couldn't look at that picture of George any longer, so I took it down.
Dave Johnson in General
07:30AM Jul 04, 2007
Dave Johnson in General
12:41PM Feb 09, 2007
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Dave Johnson in Java
06:53PM Oct 31, 2006
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John Robb: No, the HUGE problem, the elephant in the room, isn't leaks. Rather, it is in a complete lack of transparency. As we have seen again and again, secrecy prevents the full analysis of alternatives. It shuts down debate and prevents the qualification of sources. It is also the crutch of bad and/or nefarious management.
Dave Johnson in General
06:20AM Feb 14, 2006
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Tim Bray: To all the excellent Christians and Jews and Muslims out there: I know you exist. But youâre vanishing from view behind the cloud of mucky dust being raised by your lunatic fringe; as of right now, in the twenty-first century, when someone claims to be deeply religious, thatâs grounds for suspicion of bigotry, greed, and a predisposition to homicide. Which is one reason my little boy isnât being taken to church, for the moment.I wish I had the guts to be so brutally honest on my blog. Tim's right on. And I'll add this: if we don't curb the crazies, we're not going to make it through this century.
Dave Johnson in General
05:52AM Feb 14, 2006
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Dave Johnson in General
11:07AM Dec 03, 2005
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Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Town Council that the Council hereby petitions the Bush Administration and Congress to immediately end the war in Iraq, re-establish a progressive tax code, curtail end favoritism toward corporate interests, develop responsible policies focused on renewable energy, and commit to priorities that reflect the common good.According to Sally Greene, "the Town Council enthusiastically and unanimously passed" the resolution.
Dave Johnson in General
05:44AM Oct 25, 2005
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Dave Johnson in General
04:27AM Aug 10, 2005
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From the EFF statement: "Rackspace may claim to provide its customers with 'fanatical support,' but in this case it looks like it was more interested in serving the government," added Kevin Bankston, EFF attorney and Equal Justice Works/Bruce J. Ennis Fellow. "Despite these new revelations, a key question remains: Did government agents intentionally mislead the web host into thinking it had to hand over complete copies of the Indymedia servers?"To summarize the story: when the US government requested the server logs for the grassroots media network IndyMedia from internet service provider RackSpace, RackSpace couldn't find the files. So RackSpace handed over IndyMedia's servers. I wonder how the government agents worked their magic? Did they threaten to declare RackSpace an enemy combatant and lock the whole company up without a trial?
Dave Johnson in General
05:04AM Aug 03, 2005
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Dare Obasanjo: Corporations should not be amoral entities that only exist to generate money. They employ members of a community, they exist as part of community and their actions affect both local and global communities.
Dave Johnson in General
05:44AM Apr 25, 2005
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CHAPEL HILL -- They swooped in by the busload to the town they said was filled with "dead churches" that "disregard the Bible," hoping to win over some sinners.
"I came here because I love Chapel Hill," said the Rev. Ron Wood, pastor of Celebration Assembly of God on Weaver Dairy Road and a member of the anti-gay-rights group Called 2 Action.
"I'm an ordained minister, too," he added, referring to several speakers at the Town Council meeting Monday who identified themselves as clergy members. "But I'm not one who believes I have the right to disregard the word of God."
Their message was rejected by the majority of Chapel Hillians who met them at Town Hall with signs, T-shirts and buttons proclaiming their support for gay rights.
Dave Johnson in General
03:18AM Mar 08, 2005
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The people of America have failed us today: "As Larry says, "It's over. Let it go." Jon is saying, "Don't complain - organize!" Although the previous post about the wacky voting system is interesting, it's unlikely that any sort of recount or technicality will change the fact that today, the people of the United States of America have voted for George Bush. It was close, but the Americans have chosen Bush. It's a sad day, but in a democracy, you get the politicians you deserve/vote for. This was their chance to change their leader and they have failed. For awhile, many of us thought that they had been conned into voting for Bush - that they didn't know he wanted to be a War President. Many people didn't equate the US policies with the people of America. We thought they had made a mistake. Now US policies = US Citizens. You Americans have my sympathies, but it's still your fault.
Dave Johnson in General
07:52AM Nov 03, 2004
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The Economist: Invading Iraq was not a mistake. Although the intelligence about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction has been shown to have been flimsy and, with hindsight, wrong [ . . . ] But changing the regime so incompetently was a huge mistake. By having far too few soldiers to provide security and by failing to pay Saddam's remnant army, a task that was always going to be long and hard has been made much, much harder. Such incompetence is no mere detail: thousands of Iraqis have died as a result and hundreds of American soldiers. The eventual success of the mission, while still possible, has been put in unnecessary jeopardy. So has America's reputation in the Islamic world, both for effectiveness and for moral probity.
Scott McConnell, American Conservative magazine: The record, from published administration memoirs and in-depth reporting, is one of an administration with a very small group of six or eight real decision-makers, who were set on war from the beginning and who took great pains to shut out arguments from professionals in the CIA and State Department and the U.S. armed forces that contradicted their rosy scenarios about easy victory.
Andrew Sullivan writing in New Republic magazine: The lack of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq remains one of the biggest blows to America's international credibility in a generation. The failure to anticipate an insurgency against the coalition remains one of the biggest military miscalculations since Vietnam. And the refusal to send more troops both at the beginning and throughout the occupation remains one of the most pig-headed acts of hubris since the McNamara era. I'm amazed that more war advocates aren't incensed by this mishandling of such critical matters. But even a Bush-supporter, like my friend, Christopher Hitchens, has termed it "near-impeachable" incompetence.And carefully consider this list of Republicans for Kerry in 2004 And this blog which documents Republican Swtichers which includes 42 newspapers (compared to 6 that switched the other way) And this collection of video ads featuring Real People who voted for George Bush in 2000, but will be voting for Kerry in 2004
Dave Johnson in General
05:00AM Oct 31, 2004
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Dave Johnson in General
07:11PM Oct 08, 2004
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Dave Johnson in General
02:09PM Oct 02, 2004
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Dave Johnson in General
05:36PM Mar 30, 2003
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