Notes from Gosling's general session
Here are notes I took with VoodooPad during Goslings keynote.
- Mentions Rendezvous Java API and Apple's WWDC
- Brings up Tor Norbye for a Java Creator Studio demo
- shows how to add a field validator using a regex
- shows dynamic navigation, click button three times to proceed to next page
- Brings up Matt and Todd to demo Java Studio Enterprise demo (to be released next month)
- Shows UML 2.o modeling capabilities, reverse and forward engineering
- Uses UML class diagram to navigate the source code base
- Shows reverse engineered sequence diagram
- Demos two-way sync of model and code using code editor and class diagram
- Shows that instant messaging is built into IDE, pastes Java code into chat window
- Shows that syntax highlighting and code completion works in chat window
- Shows shared code window, editable by both parties in chat
- Now lets talk about devices
- Brings up Greg to talk about real-time Java RTSJ (JSR-1)
- Two commercial implementations now exist
- DARPA nearing completion of open source implementation of RTSJ
- Lots of interested in RTSJ in the embedded space
- Mentions RTSJ use in destroyers, power plants via "heavy iron" - Solaris and SPARC
- Demos Macinaw and shows how it can swing up and then balance an inverted pendulum
- As you know in RTSJ "threads you can write that are not effected by GC"
- Shows that other threads can be working out, doing GC, but still the pendulum balances
- Shows distributed fail over, pulls the plug on one machine and pendulum stays up
- Gets Cameron Row of Psinaptic on stage to talk about Bluetooth and Jini
- Rewrote Jini lookup in C and ported it to a very tiny CSR bluetooth chip, 1MB flash
- Jini lookup service in 4K of compiled C code, HTTP server is 8K
- Talks about how this enables personal preferences for automobiles and other things
- PDA or cellphone can transmit your biometrics, your personal preferences, and financial info
- Starts up a Jini browser on a iPAQ, it finds a thermostat and an LED controller
- UI code is automatically downloaded to iPAQ and he uses it to turn on and off the LED
- Psinaptic is working with Ford and an Australian home automation company
- Now let's go to the truly weird with Simon Ritter
- Simon is covered in electronic equipment for augmented reality, a "wearable" computer
- Webcam strapped to his head, laptop on his waist, and keyboard strapped to his arm
- Turns camera on James, who holds up Chinese sign, asks system for translation
- Rubber-band boxes James head and asks system to identify, it says "James Gosling"
- Shows heads up display map of supermarket, gets system to locate the Snickers bars
- Uses Java Desktop OS, Swing/AWT UI, Sphinx voice recognition software
- James was involved in Sphinx project 25 years ago
- Thats it for the demos, time to resume the T-Shirt shooter contest
I also took some notes on the Java open source panel, but they need some work.
Dave Johnson in Sun
07:04AM Jul 01, 2004