With the final deadline for my
book and my JavaOne presentation on
Java and REST: Implementing the Atom protocol coming up on the 10th, I've been spending a lot of time with Atom and specifically the Atom protocol (
draft 8). I've been tweaking my BlogClient library, which provides an abstract interface over both Atom protocol and he MetaWeblog API. And, you may be surprised to hear that I've also been spending some time with
Netbeans Matisse.
I've been working with Matisse to create MatisseBlogger, a Swing GUI that's built on top of my BlogClient library. In a very short amount of time, I've been able to build a pretty nice client. That's it in the screenshot below (click for full-size image).

Today I spent some time in the #atom channel on irc.freenode.net doing Atom protocol interop testing with
James Tauber and
Joe Gregorio. James has an Atom protocol server named Demokritos and Joe has one called, well, I'm not sure what it's called. Long story short, MatisseBlogger made it's first posts today to two different servers.
In the screenshot above you can see that MatisseBlogger shows your blog accounts as a tree view, with each account having multiple blogs and each blog having an entries and resources collection (except for Joe's which currently only supports entries). So far, I've tested it with Demokritos, Joe's server, Roller, Wordpress (MetaWeblog) and MovableType (also MetaWeblog). It's still got some glitches, but it's almost ready for release. So, I'll include MatisseBlogger and Roller (2.2-dev with Atom Protocol enabled) in the next release of the
Blogapps project, perhaps this weekend.
Tags: topic:[Atom Protocol], topic:[Atom], topic:[REST], topic:[MetaWeblog API], topic:[Matisse], topic:[Netbeans], topic:[RSS and Atom in Action]