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java.net better than SourceForge for Java projects?

Overall I think java.net looks like a great start, lots of potential there. I think the site could benefit from better navigation because it really is difficult to figure out where things are and how it all fits together. Other than that, the site looks great and there is lots of interesting content there. I'm still exploring.

The open source project hosting looks really cool and it seems to include the same set of project hosting and management features as provided by SourceForge, plus project wikis and blogs. I wonder if Roller would benefit from java.net. It would be a royal pain to switch over from SourceForge, I'm sure, so I really wonder if it would be worth it. What SourceForge features are missing from java.net? I guess this is just the SourceCast vs. SourceForge question. Would a new home there be worth the relocation expenses?


I say do it, nothing shakes up the community more then action. We could complain about sourceforge, but until more projects start to leave will they realize that they are no longer satisfying the needs of developers. I think the atmosphere of roller would fit better in a place that hosted wikis and blogs. I have been over a collab while working with subversion and I believe it has its pitfalls as well. Maybe java.net would be the best start, and a good push for that aspiring website.

Posted by Dan Allen on June 12, 2003 at 09:38 PM EDT #

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