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weblogs.java.net, oh the shame!

I offered to install Roller for Sun, but noooooooo, they had to go and steal (from O'Reilly) some rinky-dink little blogging package. Sheeesh! Are those blogs for real? They are all identical, no themes. Some of them look a little forced, as in "you will blog now please employee #76654, get to work." The others look and feel like the O'Reilly blogs, you know, the ones where the author is maintaining two blogs: one personal blog and one O'Reilly blog which is generally not worth subscribing to. All the interesting stuff shows up on the author's personal blog and, occasionally, an article or two shows up on the author's O'Reilly blog.

On top of all that, they didn't bother to tie into java.blogs. Shouldn't java.blogs be a federated site? Or, at least a linked site?

Whatever. I'll get over it. Maybe some of those blogs will be successful and truly worthwhile, who knows. At least Gosling's blog looks genuine.


You got it wrong - they didn't steal it from ORielly.

Posted by Unknown on June 11, 2003 at 09:30 PM EDT #

I did not mean "steal" in the criminal sense. I knew when I wrote those words that Sun was using weblogging software that was willing provided by O'Reilly under some partnership agreement, memorandum of understanding, or contract of some sort. Doesn't that sound boring? I was just having fun with words. I was ranting.

Posted by Dave Johnson on June 11, 2003 at 11:02 PM EDT #

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