Posts tagged 'hadoop'

Trip report: NoSQL meetup at ApacheCon

(I just returned to work after vacation and a week of conferences in the SF bay area. Instead of posting my trip reports to the limited audience that reads my internal IBM blog, I'm going to post them here so that everybody can benefit from them.)

After arriving at ApacheCon on Monday night and eating way too much sushi with Cote, I realized that there was a NoSQL meetup in progress and free beer was involved. Needless to say, I was there.

At NoSQL Oakland, there were talks on CouchDB, Hadoop, JCR, Voldemort, PNUTS and Cassandra. I was surprised how many people were in attendance; the idea of "no SQL" is apparently very popular about the alpha-geek Apache crowd.

I arrived a little late and saw that the Hadoop talk was packed, as usual for Hadoop. J. Chris Anderson's CouchDB talk was also packed, but I managed to find a seat. Chris is a very entertaining speaker and I learned a lot about CouchDB. Some keys points that Chris made were that CouchDB is "of the web" -- you interact with it via a RESTful protocol and it accepts, returns and stores JSON formatted data. CouchDB is schema-less. CouchDB is "fast by default" due in part to it's append-only approach to data storage. It's written in Erlang and therefore perfect for use in small devices.

A core feature of CouchDB is replication and that's one of the reasons it is now included in Ubuntu Linux, keeping contact/address data in sync across desktop and mobile devices. Chris said that, in 50 years, all applications will replicate in CouchDB fashion. Chris also delved into the details of how CouchDB stores data, complete with detailed hand-drawn diagrams. Want to learn more:

See also:

I will be posting more about the ApacheCon and Enterprise 2.0 conferences, but not until tomorrow or later...