Posts tagged 'digitalocean'

Powered by Digital Ocean Kubernetes

Just a note to say that I've switched this site over to Digital Ocean Kubernetes service, which is in Limited Availability right now.

Digital Ocean's Kubernetes service is just as simple and well designed as the rest of Digital Ocean. I mentioned before that I rolled my own Kubernetes cluster via Ansible and Kubeadm. Now I can delete all those config files and that's a good thing. Plus, the price is right; I can get by with one $10/month node (1 CPU / 2 GB memory) and a $10/month load balancer.

To get this site up and running I had to deploy four things to my cluster. I installed the NGINX Ingress Controller, Cert-Manager for automatic creation of Let's Encrypt TLS certs, PostgreSQL and my custom build of Apache Roller. All of that went pretty smoothly and I didn't run into and problems that I could blame on Digital Ocean.