Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
Joe Cheng: Iâm starting a (hopefully short) series of blog posts documenting the specifics of how the upcoming AtomPub-enabled release of Windows Live Writer will behave, and what AtomPub-enabled blog* servers can do to ensure the best interop with us. I also hope other blog client implementers can learn from our experience and consider using the same rules and behaviors we do when implementing their own AtomPub support.
Very nice. I'll be watching this one closely, looking for ways to improve Roller's and ROME's AtomPub support.
Dave Johnson in Microsoft
05:32AM Oct 16, 2007
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The first release to discuss is ROME Propono, which includes a ROME based Atom protocol client library, Atom protocol server framework and an Blog Client library abstraction that supports both Atom protocol and the MetaWeblog API.
I've been working on Propono 0.6 off-and-on since May, keeping it in sync with the latest version of the Atom protocol, testing it against Tim Bray's APE and adding various improvements needed in my other projects. Over the weekend I finally had enough time to get a release out. You can find the full-details at the link below but basically this release adds support for the final Atom Publishing Protocol specification and better support for relative URIs.
What's next? Once ROME 1.0 is released Real Soon Now, I'll get a another release out and I'll probably call it ROME Propono 1.0.
Dave Johnson in Feeds
07:20AM Oct 01, 2007
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Atom protocol "features" extension
I try to follow the Atom community pretty closely, but sometimes I fall out of the loop. For example, I missed the discussion on James "Mr. Atom" Snell's important new extension proposal for Atom protocol features, which will enable blog servers to declare what features they support. For example, Roller could inform blog clients that you can enable/disable comments for each post, limit comments to N days on, "pin" a blog entry to to site's main page (if you are an admin) and more. Hopefully, we can get blog server developers to agree on a common set of features and blog client developers to support that set.
Publishing critical info with Atom
And I had to bookmark James Snell's excellent and important article Publish critical public warnings on the Web, with the sub-title "Atom publishing can provide a powerful and flexible way to distribute critical, life-saving information."
Sun Portal's blog porlet, powered by Atom protocol
This next Atom link comes from docs.sun.com. It's some documentation for the Sun Portal Server 7.1 - Blog Portlet. I did not realize that the Sun Portal blog portlet uses Atom protocol to enable publishing to Roller. It was developed and tested against Roller 3.1, so it probably does not conform to the final Atom protocol.
What to call Atom protocol?
And finally, folks are wondering what to call Atom Publishing Protocol. Is it APP or Atompub or Atom protocol? Ian Bicking says Iâve decided to make a conscious effort to call it Atompub from now on." I don't have a strong opinion, but I do think APP is to vague to be useful.
Lightweight image editors for Mac
I've got a copy of Photoshop Elements for the Mac, but I really hate to have to start it up when I want to crop or resize an image. So I twittered about it. Ryan Irelan pointed out ImageWell "the Free and Lean Image Editor". Rich Sharples recommended Skitch, a Web 2.0-ish desktop app that makes it easy to snap, draw and share images from your desktop. I'm on the waiting list for an invite. On my own, I found Seashore, which is a Gimp based open source image editor Mac, one that does not need X11, and it's pretty light-weight. I'm not ashamed to admit, I love the Gimp.
Whew! I've got a couple more links but my lunch break is over so there you go.
Dave Johnson in Links
08:45AM Aug 24, 2007
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Just learned from Tim's blog that Greg Borenstein just came up with a cute logo for the Atom Protocol Exerciser (Ape), which, in case you don't know, is the closest thing we have to a compatibility test for Atom servers. The logo is featured on the Ape's home page.
Dave Johnson in Blogging
07:47AM Aug 23, 2007
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I wasn't paying attention and this one snuck-up on me. Today at noon Pacific Time there will be an online Atom Publishing Protocol interop event. The location is IRC on the Freenode network in the #atom channel: irc://irc.freenode.net/atom.
I'm really glad I didn't miss this announcement because I spent much of the last two weekends updating the ROME Propono and Apache Roller 4.0 implementations to work with the final version of APP (draft #17). I've got both implementations online now and ready for interop.
And in kinda sorta related news, one of the founders of the Atom effort Joe Gregorio is leaving IBM and heading over to Google. Congratulations Joe! I hope this doesn't mean you'll be leaving the Triangle behind.
Dave Johnson in Java
07:52AM Aug 06, 2007
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Good news today from Tim Bray: Atom protocol has been finalized. The final version of the spec is going to be Atom protocol draft #17.
Instead of staying up until the dawn hours (not naming names) reading the final Harry Potter book, I spent most of the weekend working on bringing Propono in-line with the draft #17 and in particular adding support for out-of-line categories and relative URIs. I've got code ready to commit that passes Tim's Ape tests, so hopefully we'll have a new Propono 0.6 release ready very soon that supports the final spec.
Roller's Atom protocol implementation is already up to date and passing Ape tests, so Roller 4.0 will be Atom protocol ready. I still need to do a little work to document the setup.
Dave Johnson in Roller
01:21PM Jul 24, 2007
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Dave Johnson in Java
11:32AM Apr 23, 2007
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