Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
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[via Wes Felter] I'm sorry I'm gonna miss this talk. I guess it is not really anything ground-breaking, just a new set of peers, but it stills sounds very interesting and maybe there will be some discussion of the future of Swing and AWT.
AWT on Linux and Unix systems is currently based on the Motif widget set. AWT is often called a Heavyweight Toolkit, because of its Motif-based peers. The construction of one Toolkit on top of another Toolkit can often cause "impedance mismatches" that can lead to sluggish performance due to the excessive layering of code, not to mention quality problems and nightmare bugs. In JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE TM) v1.5, AWT will take on a new set of peers that remove the Motif toolkit from underneath AWT. This provides a high-performance and high-quality Toolkit that will be 100% backward compatible with existing JavaTM technology applications.
Dave Johnson in Java
03:46AM Jun 10, 2003
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