Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
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In case you missed it, as I did, there were very interesting discussions concerning RSS taking place all over the blogosphere yesterday. I believe they were all kicked off by this:
Dave Winer: Here's how Microsoft is going to fuck all of us. Their blogging tool will support RSS 2.0. Basic stuff like title, link, description, and maybe to be nice, a few extras like guid, category, and generator. Then they're going to define a namespace with poorly documented stuff the rest of us don't understand. [...] Now get this -- it doesn't have to be that way. We could establish a profile of RSS 2.0 and implement strict compliance with that profile in the major blogging tools.
Sam Ruby's site was the focal point of the discussions that followed because Sam has comments on his site and because, of course, Sam is the man. For a recap, look at Sam's Saturday and Sunday archives. Who joins in and posts the first cut of this profile? Don Box of Microsoft.
Dave Johnson in Blogging
05:28AM May 11, 2003
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