Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
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Day number two went very well and all of the talks were excellent. I started with David Thomas' Mock Objects talk and Ben Galbraith's SWT talk. After lunch I went to David Geary's advanced JSF talk and ended up the day with Ben Galbraith again with his How to make Swing Sing talk. All of the speakers did an excellent job, covered lots of material, and had very different presentation styles. For example, Galbraith spent most of his talks sitting down in front on an IDE coding up examples and demos on the fly. Geary is a great speaker, but he seems to have a fear of demos. I have seen him speak three times now and every time he has a slightly different reason for not running his live demos. The Javalobby party was nice, with kabobs and baklava and beer and good company. I got to talk to Erik Hatcher for a couple of minutes about Roller's search engine problems and I will attend his Lucene in Action talk today for more insight into this issue.
Dave Johnson in Java
03:54AM Jun 13, 2004
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