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J2EE Container Shootout Summary

I attended the Triangle JUG's J2EE Container Shootout last night and it was a lot of fun due in great part to the flamboyant verve of Marc "you can walk through walls, just like us" Fleury of JBoss fame. Also behind the panelist table were: Robert Patrick of BEA, Greg Ackerman of IBM, and Farzin Barazandeh of Oracle. There were twelve questions and each panelist was given from 2-4 minutes to answer each. Then there were free form questions from the audience. I will try to summarize from my notes what I considered to be the most interesting question and answers for you:

What applications justify the use of EJB?

BEA: Robert says that even for small apps, you should design with future migration to EJB in mind.  Use EJB if your developers have the skillset for EJB.
ORACLE: agrees that skillset is important.  If you are a database house, you might not want to go the EJB route.  EJB is not yet truly mature and does not do all the things that a great database can do.
JBOSS: Marc says: don't access the database directly from Servlets and JSP, use EJB intead.  EJB caches data for web applications very well and can be ten times faster than ordinary database access.  But Marc doesn't stop there.  He goes on to say that some companies allow licensing costs to drive their architecture choices and stay away from EJB because of cost, with JBoss you don't have to worry about licensing costs.  From the way the BEA panelist rolls his eyes, I get the feeling that he has come up against Marc before.
IBM: Greg also agrees that skillset is important and agrees with the other vendor's points.  He also adds that EJB 2.0 brings some real developer productivity increases to the table.  Greg recommends using IBMs "redbooks" and J2EE best-practices to determine your architecture.

What is the biggest threat from dot-Net and what are you doing about it?

BEA: Robert says that it is a sure bet that dot-Net will be "ready for prime time" in the near future.  Currently, dot-Net only makes sense for small systems.  To combat the threat Sun needs to work closely with the ISVs, improve development tools, and must have interoperability with dot-Net via web services.
ORACLE: Farzin answers that the biggest threat from dot-Net is the fact that it is from Microsoft and therefore will automatically gain acceptance.  Java can't let it's community driven nature slow it down and at the same time needs to stick to the standards to ensure interop, portability, etc.
JBOSS: Marc proclaims that he is a "closet Microsoft lover" and that he takes Microsoft very seriously.  But, he contends that Java has nothing to fear from Microsoft.  Java is portable and the runtime is free.  The difference between JBoss and Microsoft is philosophy.  Microsoft wants to commoditize the $20/hour developer and JBoss wants to commoditize the runtime and the application server.  As far as the standards are concerned, Mark says that Sun does move slow.  Use JBoss and the standards will follow.
IBM: Greg says that IBM vs. Microsoft is not the story.  Dot-Net is vapor now but Microsoft will eventually get it right.  He says that to fight against Microsoft, Java needs to be more of a standard.  Sun can't keep veto power and expect Java to keep up.

Do you support JDO and what are your plans for JDO?

JBOSS: we have been supporting JDO for quite a while via Castor and other means.  But, JDO has not taken the persistence crown.  EJB/CMP is much more powerful than JDO.  JBoss is working to decouple the CMP engine from JBoss so that it can be used independently of EJB.
ORACLE: The Oracle app server does not supprt JDO, but our new TopLink product is very close, and may enable Oracle to support JDO in the future.
BEA: does not support JDO and says that JDO is not compelling vs. CMP 2.0.
IBM: Websphere 4 and 5 do not support JDO.  IBM is still trying to figure out what to do about JDO.

Which of your competitors products would you choose?

ORACLE: Farzin tried to answer Orion, but Oracle's app server is an OEM version of Orion, so that did not fly.  Then Farzin said that Websphere is too big, Weblogic looks OK, but since JBoss is free and easy to use he would choose it.
BEA: Robert said that JBoss is free and for development purposes would get the job done, but for mission critical apps he would choose WebSphere - but only if he could affort the IBM consultants required to set it up.  He said that "WebSphere can be made to work," the dev tools are good, and the admin console is nice.
IBM: Greg said that he might download Oracle's app server, but he would be worried that Oracle would change code-bases before the download was complete.  For mission critical apps, he would choose WebLogic because there are so many developers that are familiar with it.
JBOSS: Marc said that he would choose Oracle because Oracle is Orion and Orion was developed by Rickard Oberg's room-mate and therefore Orion is very similar to JBoss.  His second choice would be WebSphere because IBM will be around for ever and ever - it is always a safe choice.

What do you see happening with J2EE and development in 5-10 years?

JBOSS: Marc says that J2EE is at the end of its road.  Now developers need to learn to be container developers, to take apart the containers, and to pick and choose which parts they want to use in their apps.  Then developers will be able to walk through walls like the JBoss folks do.  Also, the dot-Net ability to hang attributes on methods and fields of classes will be come very important and combined with interceptors will enable aspect oriented programming, grid computing, blah, blah, blah.  I'm not kidding, Marc really likes to say "blah, blah, blah."
BEA: Robert says it is very difficult to predict the future, but that he sees that XDoclet-like method and field attribute driven development will be important and that web services will be very important.
IBM: I can't remember what Greg said, but I am pretty sure he mentioned web services and grid computing. Oh yeah, he started off by saying that J2EE is not at the end of the road - it has a long, long way to go.
ORACLE : I can't remember what the Oracle guy said at all. Sorry folks.

Well, my lunch hour is over so this concludes my coverage of the Triangle JUG J2EE Container shootout ;-)  Thanks to the Triangle JUG board, JUG member volunteers, and to the folks who submitted the questions for making this possible.

See also:
Andy Oliver's comments
Rickard Oberg's comments
Dave Jordan's comments


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