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Roller category ideas.

Hierarchical categories. <a href= "http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1420154&forum_id=9297">Matt mentioned the idea of hierarchical categories on the roller-dev list the other day. Scott Switzer mentioned this <a href= "http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1256114&forum_id=9297">back in October and <a href= "http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/roller/ViewIssue.jspa?key=ROL-57">put it into JIRA. A hierachical categories feature seems a little complicated and maybe a little confusing. Maybe with the right UI, hierarchical catagories would work. Is it overkill?

Multiple categories. Right now, each weblog entry has one and only one category. Most blogging software allows you to assign multiple categies per entry, I think Roller needs this too.

Selective display of categories. It would be nice if the Roller page macros allowed you to specify which categories are to be displayed on each page and in each newsfeed. That way, you can have a developer oriented page that includes your Java, C#, and AOP categories; and you cab have a family oriented page that includes your Personal, Cat, and Look-At-My-Cute-Little-Baby categories. As Matt suggested, we could also use hierarchical categoes to achieve the same goal.


The reason I'd like hierarchical categories is to be able to have: Java - Struts - Eclipse - etc. So that users can subscribe to that. I don't know if this is really needed though, as I've never clicked on anyone's category filters. The reason I think it might be nice is for java.blogs, and to allow folks to just subscribe to those categories. However, I've found that I'm just as interested in hearing about the blog author's personal life as I am about their java experiences. Most times, there personal life is more interesting ;) That's why Russ's is so popular, right? I think I could make it easy to read on the UI by adding a + icon next to the category to allow expansion. Implementing an old-browser compatible way of rendering might be a bit tricky.

Posted by Matt Raible on December 14, 2002 at 03:50 PM EST #

Howdy, I did mention this - I did not submit the changes because I made two changes at once - the hierarchical category change, and also a change adding a weblog entry to multiple categories. The multiple category change ended up harder than expected, and slowed down development. I will separate out the changes and submit them when I have time over the holidays. Scott

Posted by Scott Switzer on December 20, 2002 at 12:45 PM EST #

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