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Roller Admin Protocol

The first version of the Atom protocol isn't going to include administrative features, such as user management and weblog creation, but Jeff Blattman needed those features now. Jeff needed to be able to create users, weblogs and manage group blog membership remotely, so he created Roller Admin Protocol (or AAPP). He patterned his work after the Atom protocol so that, perhaps someday, it can be useful to the IETF Atom Working Group.

Jeff's did great work on the AAPP. He proposed it to the Roller dev list, designed the whole thing on the wiki and contributed all of the code and tests to the Roller project. He also wrote a complete set of AAPP docs for the Roller Developer Guide, created an AAPP SDK and finished some of my work for me by adding docs for Roller's Atom protocol implementation. Thanks Jeff!

Like Roller's Atom protocol implementation, AAPP is still considered an experimental feature  and is not for production use, likely to change, etc., but it is included the upcoming Roller 2.3 release (both Atom and AAPP will be disabled by default). Take a look and let us know how well Roller Admin Protocol will meet your blog server admin needs (direct feedback to the roller-dev mailing list).


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