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Roller Released.

Roller (a <a href= "http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/roller/IssueNavigator.jspa?view=&tempMax=1000&decorator=printable&start=0&fixfor=10040&mode=hide&reset=true&pid=10000"> bug fix release) is now <a href= "http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=47722&release_id=153808"> available.


[Trackback] The Roller team has just released a minor bug fixing and feature enhancing version of Roller . Cheblogs.com is running on the same software from CVS just a day or two prior to this release version. [Roller, 283 characters]

Posted by working on the future of solidarity on April 27, 2003 at 03:11 PM EDT #

[Trackback] The site is now running the latest and greatest version of Roller from CVS. Let me know if you see any issues, and as always, feel free to play around with my demo user (user: test, pw: roller). [Roller, 302 characters]

Posted by Raible Designs :: We Build Web Apps on April 27, 2003 at 11:45 PM EDT #

In a previous post, you wrote that you tried out the Mozilla Midas HTML editor, but it was so buggy you didn't think you would add it to roller. But for the latest release it says this on the roller homepage: "it also adds support for the Mozilla Midas HTML editor" Did you work the bugs out, or did you just add it in anyways?

Posted by Paul Rivers on April 28, 2003 at 06:55 PM EDT #

I just added it anyways, I decided that it is not really any more unstable than the Ekit editor on Mozilla (Ekit is much better on IE for some odd reason).

Posted by Dave Johnson on April 28, 2003 at 09:05 PM EDT #

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