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Raleigh bloggers meetup tonight at Cafe Cyclo

As Josh points out, a US congressman showed up at our last meetup. Which local blognitary could it be this time? John Edwards? Maybe Mark Pilgrim will appear to announce his return to blogging. Or maybe it'll be Dr. Jim Goodnight, who'll ask how to get his employees blogging about SAS Institute products (did you hear the news?) instead of IBM ones.

(2nd attempt at comment). Do the folks who work at the Eclipse Foundation know that Eclipse is an IBM product? :-)

Posted by Bill Higgins on April 05, 2006 at 08:00 PM EDT #

You're missing the larger point Bill, which is: "get blogging SAS!" -- or a least stop by the bloggers meetup and have a beer.

But to your point, I don't think it's out of line to call Eclipse an IBM product. Eclipse came out of IBM and IBM contributes the most the most to the product. And besides, being an IBM prouduct is a good thing, no?

Posted by Dave Johnson on April 05, 2006 at 08:28 PM EDT #

I think Bill is trying to point out that Eclipse is now an independent not-for-profit open source Foundation that is not controlled by IBM. Lots of companies, including a number of IBM competitors, use Eclipse as the platform for their commercial product. Just in case you did not know. Regardless, I am pretty sure it was not the point of your blog entry :-).

Posted by Ian Skerrett on April 06, 2006 at 02:52 AM EDT #

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