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Roller and JRoller iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn

Tonight I was finally able to get UTF-8 support going with Roller and MySQL. It was relatively easy for me to do this because of the hard work of new Roller team member Jaap van der Molen. Thanks Jaap! Also, working with a local copy of the JRoller database, I figured out how to convert the database to UTF-8. I used mysqldump to dump the database to a text file, edited the table definitions, and then "sourced" it back into the database. I'm not sure that this is the best approach, but it works. Here is a screenshot to prove it:

<img src="http://www.rollerweblogger.org/resources/roller/jroller-i18n.png" title="JRoller screenshot showing I18N" />


Hey Dave, care to document this "conversion" in a step-by-step manner? Most of it I think I can figure out, but its the table definition changes that most perplex me (I've read up on the mysql 4.1 docs, but it still escapes me what i need to do). Thanks.

Posted by Lance on June 14, 2004 at 04:49 PM EDT #

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