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IDEA, JBuilder, and BEA Workshop are toast?

According to Patrick Chanezon, BEA Workshop is ready for butter and jam and there only three IDE players left:

IBM builds momentum around Eclipse. New members sign on to program, but not Sun or BEA [InfoWorld: Web Services]

There are 3 players left in the java IDE game: Sun, IBM and BEA.

With IBM having bought Rational, I think BEA Workshop is toast. Too bad it looked real nice. How long before they port it to the Eclipse platform :-)

What about IDEA IntelliJ?

What about Borland, who now owns both JBuilder and the Together Control Center?

I don't think you can write them off just yet.

Speaking of that "real nice" BEA Workshop GUI: last night at the TriJUG meeting, Chris Garrett of TogetherSoft demonstrated the Together Control Center BEA Workshop Accelerator.  The Accerator allows you to build web services for the Weblogic server in a graphical manner using a UML-like notation. These web services use the Weblogic Workshop's server-side framework, but the Weblogic Workshop GUI is not involved in the process in any way.

TogetherSoft may have no need for the BEA Workshop GUI, but BEA has not given up on the Workshop at all.  According to this InfoWorld article, BEA is "expanding [the Workshop] into a full-blown development environment for not only Web services but also for pages, for server-side components, for visual controls, visual interfaces, the whole nine yards"


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