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Control Flow is free!

After some late night hacking sessions, I've been able to rip Cocoon's Control Flow component free of Cocoon. I removed all dependencies on Cocoon and Avalon and pared my standalone version of Control Flow down to only 14 classes and a couple of JavaScript functions.

Below is the simple JavaScript code that I'm using to test Control Flow. This code will eventually run on the server side and will send a web page to the user when it needs input. The forwardAndWait() method puts the name of the page or Struts forward into a 'tray' object and suspends execution. Eventually, it will suspend execution of the script, call a JSP page or a Struts forward, and wait for the response to go out and the request to come back in.

function test(tray) 
   log.info("I called my script!");
   forwardAndWait(tray, "page1.html");
   log.info("I'm back in the script");
   forwardAndWait(tray, "page2.html");

   log.info("all done!");

Below is the code I'm using to run and test this script. Step #1 sets up the 'tray' that I use to get the forward name and continuation id out of the JavaScript world. I introduced the tray concept, and I don't really like it but I'm not sure how else to get the values I need out of JavaScript. Step #2 and #4 are the interesting bits. Step #2 calls the JavaScript method, which executes and then suspends the script execution inside the 1st JavaScript forwardAndWait() call. Step #4 resumes execution of the script using the continuation id found in the tray.

JavaScriptInterpreter interp = new JavaScriptInterpreter();      
Scriptable s = interp.enterContext();
// 1. setup tray param to hold forward
List params = new LinkedList();
List tray = new LinkedList();
params.add(new Argument("tray", tray));

// 2. call function
interp.callFunction("test", params);
// 3. funcion suspended, now tray should contain forward name
// and the continuation id
String kontid = (String)tray.get(1);
// 4. resume exection of script using that contination id
interp.handleContinuation(kontid, new LinkedList());
// 5. function suspeded again, now tray should contain second forward name
// 6. resume function, so it may complete execution
kontid = (String)tray.get(1);
interp.handleContinuation(kontid, new LinkedList());

And below is the debug output from running the test code above.

JS-INFO: I called my script!
JS-DEBUG: WK: Just Created New Continuation 4d281a763e7c1b3f5a7b4e244b2e224729112160
JS-INFO: I'm back in the script
JS-DEBUG: WK: Just Created New Continuation 877d715e813c5a7c4e7f1a56612826332f528167
JS-INFO: all done!

Next, I'll try to implement the same NumberGuess example from the Control Flow tutorial, but with no Cocoon - only JSP and Servlets.


I'm guessing your goal is to find a way to do continuations in a simple Servlet/JSP environment? If so, I dig it!

Posted by Matt Raible on March 16, 2004 at 09:34 AM EST #

When you have finished replacing Struts' controller with Cocoon's Flow, you can start replacing it's view layer (JSP or whatever it is) with one of Cocoon's template languages (JXTemplate is my choice) and you'll be using Cocoon without even knowing it ;-).

Posted by Ugo Cei on March 16, 2004 at 11:14 AM EST #

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