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Reading blogs in context.

Chris Winters: <a href= "http://www.cwinters.com/News/show/?news_id=764">Reading Blogs. "I like having context for blog entries: seeing the layout, surrounding entries, photos and so forth. I like knowing who is writing a particular blog, which is why I get ticked off when someone doesn't readily identify themselves on a blog."

I keep on going back and forth between reading blogs via an aggregator, via a bookmarked group of tabs, and via <a href= "http://www.javablogs.com">java.blogs. I keep on returning to the group of tabs approach because it is the best way to hit all of the blogs on my reading list and to read each in context.

I don't like the way that some blogs show you a permalinked blog entry by only showing you that one entry, alone on a page, and sometimes with comments. Blog entries do not always stand alone.

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