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FreeRoller plans.

Now that the guy who started FreeRoller has bailed out, I'm going to start take a little more active role in FreeRoller administration. I don't really want to be the FreeRoller administrator (Roller is my baby not FreeRoller), but I don't want to see a thousand (1507 at last count) bloggers ejected from the blogosphere either. Plus, I'm interested in solving the FreeRoller performance problems or at least understanding them.

What's the plan? I talked to the folks at JavaLobby and we agreed on a couple of things: 1) new user registration will be closed until we get a better handle on performance and 2) FreeRoller will be moving to the improved Roller 0.9.8 codebase as soon as possible.

What about the performance problems? Gavin King of Hibernate is giving us some advice on using some of Hibernate's performance features, which I will deploy (after some testing/benchmarking) to FreeRoller with the Roller 0.9.8 code base. Since Roller uses page caching so heavily, I think it is a little unlikely that the persistence layer is to blame, in fact it is more likely that OSCache is to blame (or, of course, Roller itself), but at this point I'm willing to try anything.

Want to help? Grab the Roller source and have at it.


There's no link to add a new account on freeroller, but no explanation of the omission either - perhaps you could put a sentence saying "No new registrations can be done until we fix the current performance problems" on the home page?

Posted by Will Gayther on September 08, 2003 at 01:18 PM EDT #

Maybe we could setup another domain like http://experimental.freeroller.net that has the last CVS version of Roller on it to isolate any disturbances and for testing. Would that work tho? Would the two instances interfere with each other?

Posted by Min Idzelis on September 09, 2003 at 01:18 AM EDT #

No, let's just take the FreeRoller users on a wild ride on the latest code from CVS.

Posted by Dave Johnson on September 09, 2003 at 03:36 AM EDT #

*chuckles* Sounds like fun ..

Posted by lowem on September 09, 2003 at 06:38 AM EDT #

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