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Eclipse books start to hit the racks.

Michael Yuan points out that a couple of books on Eclipse are about to hit the racks. Very cool. Yet another sign that <a href= "http://www.rollerweblogger.org/page/roller/20021107#the_eclipse_dominates_scenario">Eclipse will dominate. It's not just an IDE, it's the universal tool platform.


And perhaps Eclipse would dominate, if it actually had decent jsp/servlet support. The sysdeo plugin lets you do some very basic work, and I've even combined it with the Sysdeo plugin to get a semi-decent editor for jps's (when you save, it even tells you if you have errors). But it still doesn't help me with custom tag code completion, and I can't debug jsp's directly. I'm sure their's other things I'm not thinking of. erg.

Posted by Paul Rivers on May 09, 2003 at 02:08 AM EDT #

Sorry, I combined it with the Lomboz plugin.

Posted by Paul Rivers on May 10, 2003 at 05:23 AM EDT #

Without good swing editor is useless for most of developers...

Posted by Micha Ambroz on May 16, 2003 at 08:30 PM EDT #

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