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Doesn't anybody have anything bad to say about Groovy?

I certainly don't. Groovy is fascinating, fun to play with, and, for a Java developer, much easier to grok than Jython. I've already written a couple of simple Groovy SQL scripts and now I'm trying to wrap my mind around Groovy Markup. What a cool new toy!

Later... Here is one small nit. Groovy could use better error reporting. When an error occurs, you don't always know what line in the script caused the problem.


Performance could be much better in some cases:

class A{
return this.counter
class B extends A {
class SampleMain {
static void main(args) {
obj= new B()
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for ( i in 0..10000000 ) {
end = System.currentTimeMillis();
print( end - start );
Sorry for the formatting ...

Takes much longer then in other scripting languages.

Regards, Markus

Posted by Unknown on December 19, 2003 at 09:11 AM EST #

Absolyutely. We've not even started yet optimising the bytecode. Especially dynamic method dispatch - that could be optimised massively.

Then even though at compile time we can deduce some static method invocations (to create neater, faster bytecode) we're not doing that - so all methods are dispatched using the dynamic dispatch.

I suspect Groovy can get *way* faster than it is today by several degrees of magnitude.

Posted by James Strachan on December 19, 2003 at 10:30 AM EST #

Yeah I have several: (1) I'll have to learn another !"£$%^ language (2) As a Perl monger for too many years, I hate scripting languages (3) It's far too complex already, with integration with XML, SQL, etc etc. Oh wait, none of those are good reasons :)

Posted by Pratik Patel on December 19, 2003 at 11:57 AM EST #

Err, if you remove the people who are entertained for hours by dangling shiny objects, one question remains: What's the point?

Posted by Hani Suleiman on December 19, 2003 at 03:58 PM EST #

Pratik, in response to your 3 points:
1) Groovy is so similar to Java you don't have to learn much at all
2) Simple interpreter-friendly scripting languages have their place the Java world
3) Groovy is designed to be simple not complex and from what I've seen, the design is successful

Posted by Dave Johnson on December 19, 2003 at 04:41 PM EST #

Er...okay. The name sucks. Having a file ending .groovy sucks. Um, let me count the ways of how many other scripting languages there are for Java. But they built it, so people will come.

Posted by Unknown on December 21, 2003 at 06:31 PM EST #

It does not have compile time checking, so some idiot error is not caught until runtime. Sure they added a static compile annotation, but at that point why not just use Java. Groovy programmers are not disciplined, so they write sloppy code that looks like VB 6, and Groovy lets them get away from it. It is 2016, and Groovy is still dog slow when compared to Java. Pivotal dropped Groovy, so who is their sponsor now? Not going to bank a corporate information system on some toy project with no corporate sponsors and then find out the devs have given up to focus on "Real Life (TM)" -> which happens to be the lamest excuse to stop supporting a project.

Posted by on March 29, 2016 at 04:18 PM EDT #

I DESPISE Groovy. I got suck with making corrections to old application and this is a nightmare. Why would any rational person drop into this language with miserable poor documentation and support? Even Stack Overflow has almost no support for issues. Simple to write from scratch? Disaster to debug.Look, you might be "having fun" playing with tinker toys too but you cannot build a house with it. This application is very small but builds into a 75meg war file. That is terrible to deliver. Simply put run screaming from this thing while you can. Move to Angular at least you will get something with a future. We will rewrite this application eventually when the pain of supporting this one off pile of garbage gets too extreme.

Posted by jon on May 23, 2019 at 12:51 PM EDT #

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