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CQHost problems

After keeping their Servlet engine up for a record 4 days, CQHost (the ISP that hosts rollerweblogger.org) went down again yesterday and stayed down for about 20 hours.

I can understand that it might be difficult for CQHost to provide anything near 99% uptime for only $12.50 per month. What I cannot understand is their complete refusal to provide any Servlet engine status information on their Server Manager web page. They don't even give you access to your logs in the Server Manager. When the Servlet engine goes down, it would be very reassuring to read "JSP support is down now, we are working to restore service" or something like that. I guess they prefer to wade through piles of "SERVER DOWN!" trouble tickets.

Other ISPs provide detailed status information. How nice. I wish those other ISPs also offered Servlet support.


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