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Blog apps roundup

Some interesting blog apps that I noticed this week:

  • mOlympics: Russell Beattie introduced mOlympics, a blog aggregator that combines Olympics related news stories into a mobile-friendly news portal. Russell's aggregator allows him to set up an "aggregated mobile news site for any topic." Each story is avaliable in regular Web flavor and WML via Googles WML proxy service. Russell wonders about the legality of aggregator content created by others without their permission, and so do I.

  • Simon Brown released an early verison of his Pebble-specific Deskblog product. The screenshots look very nice.

  • Erik Hatcher reviews Mike Clark's new book Pragmatic Automation and mentions that the book includes a blog app that enables Cruise Control to RSS. On first glance, it appears that the blog app is simply a Log4J appender that writes to RSS format.


Mike's RSS hook to CruiseControl is a CC "publisher" and publishes out a brief summary of the latest build as a statis RSS XML file. Low-tech, but all the best tricks really are!

Posted by Erik Hatcher on August 16, 2004 at 02:01 PM EDT #

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