Ben Simpson: As for, I see a minimalist approach forming.  The minimalist approach rules out hungry Struts or greedy EJBs floating around in my 32mb of ram container. I was thinking of running the whole thing from a cached set of small html pages.
To each, his own. Ben, see my previous post. Sounds like Robert might have your blogging software. Also, is not based on Roller.

Java is Blosxoming.

Erik Hatcher is not the only one with a Java port of the minimalist Perl-based Blosxom blogger software; Robert Rasmussen has one too. He says he will be moving over to it, and posting the code, soon.

Roller import/export.

Bob Lee: Roller has a class that can import Roller and Radio exports. The Roller build.xml "import" target demonstrates its usage. Wish I'd found this yesterday. Oh well.

There are a number of little undocumented nuggets like that in Roller. Want to contribute some docs?

By the way Bob, your site looks very cool but it looks less cool when linked to via permalink as I did in the block-quote above. Could some Roller template magic fix that or is a due to a limitation of Roller that you have discovered?

JavaWorld back-issue access: $49.99 per year.

Elliotte Rusty Harold: JavaWorld has announced that they're going to start charging $49.99 for access to back issues, which they define as anything more than a week old.
Good thing I didn't publish the Roller article on JavaWorld.

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