Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
I decided that the only way to get a clue about pluggable persistence is to try and implement it, so that is what I did. I wrote a very simple JSP-based RSS aggregator with pluggable persistence via the DAO pattern. I implemented the persistence layer with both Hibernate and Castor and I used the RSS parser from Flock to parse RSS.
In the process I learned a lot about Hibernate and Castor. I am really impressed with Hibernate, but it is too late to go into any details. I do have time to say this: the Hibernate documentation is excellent, especially when you compare it to the incomplete hodge-podge of ad-hoc notes that comes with Castor. I did run into one snag that I have not yet worked around: Hibernate does not support CLOBs!
The aggregator is called, for lack of a better name, Ag. You can <a href= "http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=47722">download Ag from SourceForge or just read the <a href= "http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=125110">readme.txt.
Ag serves a number of purposes. I'll continue to experiment with Ag as I try to learn more about the advanced features of Hibernate and Castor. At some point, I'll probably merge Ag or some ideas from Ag into Roller. In the shorter term, I hope to use a portion of Ag as the example application for a chapter I'm writing on Data Access for WROX's new <a href= "http://www.wrox.com/books/1861004958.htm">Professional JSP 2.0 book.
Dave Johnson in Java
07:47PM Nov 29, 2002
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