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Update needed for Roller 5.1 blogs to display on smartphones/tablets

09.02.2014 by Glen | 0 Comments

Note (1 October 2014): Below problem has been fixed with the latest Roller 5.1.1 release.

Apache Roller 5.1 has a bug in which the standard blog theme templates are not being activated when no mobile theme templates are defined, resulting in blogs not being readable in most cases from tablets or smartphones. (Roller 5.1 now allows the option of separate templates, called template renditions, for mobile and standard displays, however the standard rendition is supposed to be activated when a mobile rendition is not defined.) I've just committed a fix to this problem in Roller trunk, i.e., the future Apache Roller 5.1.1. Until we have a new release, here are some solutions to this problem:

  • Upgrade to a snapshot version of Roller containing the fix - Providing you've already upgraded to Roller 5.1, switching to a patched version should be just a simple switch of the WAR file. First checkout and build Roller tag and redeploy the WAR. You can alternatively just deploy Roller 5.1.1-SNAPSHOT (i.e., trunk), which at the point of publication of this blog entry is the same as the above tag, however with additional commits to the trunk over time bugs and incompatibilities may pop up as we develop the code. As with any upgrade, good to manually back up any custom (modified) templates and stylesheets so you can bring them in again if a problem occurs in the upgrade, however this particular patch should not have any effect on customized templates.

  • Switch to the basic-mobile theme. This theme already has separate mobile and standard renditions explicitly defined in its theme.xml descriptor.

  • For shared themes in the WEB-INF/themes folder of the WAR, in the theme.xml (for example here for basic), duplicate each rendition, marking one for standard and one for mobile, just as done right now with the basic-mobile theme. Such a change will result in Roller 5.1 picking up the same template regardless of device type. If you've customized a shared theme however, back up your templates as you will probably need to copy them over once you re-import the new shared theme.

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