Posts tagged 'facebook'

The meaning of the Facebook like button

OAuth and OpenID: take2

Lot's of activity in the OpenID and OAuth space recently. Both OAuth and OpenID have suffered from bad user experience, bad developer experience and low adoption. Now they're in the process of re-invention and folks from both Google and Facebook are involved. Here's my reading list so far on the topic:

10 Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account

Dan Yoder's 10 reasons are all good ones, but I'm still on Facebook. My take: if you assume that *everything* you do and share on Facebook is public, and you know how to hide the annoying games, then Facebook ain't so bad.

Dan Yoder: While social networking is a fun new application category enjoying remarkable growth, Facebook isn't the only game in town. I don't like their application nor how they do business and so I've made my choice to use other providers. And so can you.

Social data flow

Every time I find something that I want to share with others online, I have to think about how I want to share and whom I want to share it with. Perhaps I've created too much complexity for myself. This diagram below illustrates the situation. It's my social data flow diagram. [Read More]

Latest Links: Feb. 16, 2008

Latest links - Oct. 30, 2007

Some reading on Facebook and enterprise social software from my bookmarks collection: