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Switch from Mail.app to Thunderbird

What's the downside of switching to Thunderbird on Mac OS X? Am I going to miss out on some "to die for" feature in Tiger's new Mail.app? I sure would like to be using the same mail client on all four platforms in the house.



The biggest thing that I have found that keeps me on Mail.app is the support for multiple outgoing smtp servers. Being on edgemail @ Sun I only send Sun mail when I can get the ssl connection to my edgemail server. All of my other mail accounts I route via my isp stmp outgoing server. Thunderbird only allows for one outgoing servers. :)

I was in the midst of writting up a email client review to present at my local Mac Users Group.


Posted by Dan Lacher on April 28, 2005 at 10:46 AM EDT #

Tiger (10.4)'s Spotlight desktop search technology?

Posted by Alexis MP on April 28, 2005 at 04:57 PM EDT #

I just switched from Thunderbird back to Mail.app. I keep most of my mail in IMAP, and thunderbird got quite slow when the number of messages in my inbox got over 100. The spam filtering is also better. I trained the filter for months and Mail.app is still much better (I get 400+ a day). The other issue with Thunderbird is that it did not handle my self-signed IMAP SSL cert very well, I had to click "yes, it is self signed" *every* time it checked that account in order for it to download the messages. These issues may not apply to you, but they may be.

Posted by John Sawers on May 04, 2005 at 01:23 AM EDT #

Moreover, Thunderbird do not allow to use AddressBook content... An extension to do here!

Posted by Sylvain on May 07, 2005 at 03:57 PM EDT #

I use Thunderbird on Tiger and am very happy with it. The lack of integration with Address Book, and Spotlight on Tiger, is certainly a bummer. But I would like to point out that Thunderbird does indeed support multiple outgoing SMTP servers and allows you to apply them individually to each IMAP or POP account. I'm also looking forward to the potential of AddressBook & Spotlight extensions.

Posted by Steve Pigg on May 09, 2005 at 05:26 AM EDT #

Steve is right on the multiple smtp front. You can set up a global outgoing smtp or assign it individually. I am currently on Thunderbird, because I transferred over to Mac rather recently and am trying to figure out which is better myself. Does anyone know if mail.app imports .eml files easily?

Posted by Brandon on May 10, 2005 at 06:23 PM EDT #

I just "switched" to Mac myself. I got a Powerbook and am very happy with it. I tried out Mail.app for a little while, but I switched back to Thunderbird. I like the command quick keys on it and it seems to handle fonts a little better than Mail.app does. To handle the multiple smtp servers, your best bet is to just use the built in smtp server and put on fallback_relays to use your isp smtp if you can't use the local one. See: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20050530204525398

Posted by Mark Townsend on June 17, 2005 at 02:49 PM EDT #

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