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Roller Strong #5

Championnat Régional PISTE 2007
By François & Marie

This week in Roller Strong, I've got some status on the 4.0 and 3.1 code bases and note about Roller Weblogger vs. Roller Planet.

Development continues on the Roller 4.0 code base, but we're essentially feature complete and focusing on minor improvements and bug fixes. Allen worked to clear bugs and improve bootstrapping. I worked to update Roller's Atom protocol (APP) implementation to use the final APP namespace URI and to pass Tim Bray's latest Ape tests. I wrote up my <a href= "http://rollerweblogger.org/roller/entry/atom_protocol_exerciser_ape_setup">experience with Ape here on my blog.

At Sun, we've been testing the new Roller 4.0 "EZ install" work and doing some additional work to make 4.0 even easier to install in Glassfish. Manveen Kaur created a Glassfish Update Center Module for Roller that automatically downloads and installs Roller with almost no user-interaction. She wrote up instructions to help others <a href= "http://weblogs.java.net/blog/manveen/archive/2007/06/creating_a_glas_1.html">create and <a href= "http://weblogs.java.net/blog/manveen/archive/2007/06/testing_your_up_1.html">test Glassfish Update Center Modules.

We're also preparing some 3.1 fixes. All of the <a href= "http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/roller-dev/200706.mbox/%3c8fb9ac720706302051n59e525d0ua850e48ba5b2a62a@mail.gmail.com%3e">issues reported against Roller 3.1 have been fixed and we're just about ready to make a fix release, which we'll call 3.1.1.

And finally, a note about the project. Since 3.0, we've reorganized the Roller code base to reflect the fact that Roller is not just a blog server. Roller is a project that produces both a blog server called Roller Weblogger and a planet server called Roller Planet. For example, the Roller interface is gone and replaced with Weblogger for the blog server and Planet.

Using the word "Weblogger" reminds me of an unfortunate incident that occurred back in 2002. Not all of my Roller memories are pleasant ;-)

Roller Strong Disclaimer: this is a personal blog and I do not speak on behalf of Sun Microsystems or the Apache Software Foundation.


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