Unexpected Christmas gift.

For Christmas I've been given two weeks without pay. I guess I'll use that time to work on my resume. Hey, that rhymes!

Carlos on Hibernate vs. OJB.

Carlos says that, right now, the Hibernate persistence framework is a better choice than Jakarta OJB. He also criticizes Jakarta OJB for it's emphasis on JDO.  I have to agree with his assessment of Hibernate vs. Jakarta OJB, but I don't agree 100% with Carlos on JDO.

Carlos does not like JDO, but like it or not JDO is the standard Java persistence API.  Currently, there are only a few small vendors supporting JDO (SolarMetric, SignSoft, and PrismTech to name a couple), but someday JDO could become the defacto standard.  If that happens, then support for the JDO API will a very important feature.  For that very reason, I wanted to use Jakarta OJB in my WROX JSP chapter on database access.  However, I found that the Jakarta OJB implementation of JDO was just not ready for prime-time. I wanted to use an open source framework, so I decided to use Hibernate instead. Plus, the Hibernate docs are very nice.

Now, it has come out that (apparently) the Jakarta OJB implementation of JDO contains some stolen code.  I guess that means than an open source version of JDO is not going to happen, at least not in the near future.

I can't speak about the technical merits of JDO.  I don't know enough about JDO to compare JDO vs. any other persistence API.  Perhaps somebody who does (Carlos?) can break it down for us.

Welcome to Matthew Porter.

Cool! A new Roller-based weblog, by Matthew Porter. Matthew: you might want to turn off the new-users-allowed setting in web.xml unless you really want to host a Roller community on your site.

Defending Struts

Matt posted the #java chat-channel FAQ's recent critisms of Struts to the Struts mailing list, provoking Ted Husted to come to the defense of Struts. Ted took apart the criticisms one-by-one and left the attacker with nothing but a lame argument "not really quantifiable through bullet points" that "Struts just feels wrong."

Even without those bullets the #java FAQ author continued to fight on with a rebuttal that explains "#java tends to sneer at morons who feel that Struts is THE WAY." Ah, now I understand. The FAQ question should rephrased. It should not be "why are people so down on Struts?" The real FAQ is "why are the snotty geeks in this chat room so annoyed by Struts?" The answer is simple: sour grapes.

I'm sure that there are plenty of valid criticisms of Struts, and that nobody wants to hear those criticisms more than the Struts contributors themselves. Tell them.

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