Borland buys Triangle-based TogetherSoft.

As Ed Savage wrote on the Triangle JUG mailing list: this is big news. According to the <a href= "">Business Journal article, Borland is paying $185 million in a combined cash and stock deal.

Borland has been on a bit of a shopping spree lately. They recently bought StarBase which gained them the StarTeam issue tracker/source code control system and the CodeWright editor.

At the Eclipse meeting last night, I noticed that both TogetherSoft and Borland are on the Eclipse steering committee. Will Borland stop TogetherSoft from rehosting inside Eclipse or is Borland considering rehosting all of it's various IDEs and dev tools inside Eclipse? Will Borland help IBM make Eclipse into the universal multi-language tools platform?

JSP is not Evil .

I've been meaning to comment on this for a couple of days. Niel Eyde recently posted some words about JSP and MVC. Some people criticize JSP because it allows code-on-page. I understand that concern and I've got scars from dealing with frightening model 1 JSP code before, but I agree with Neil that JSP is not evil.
A frequent criticism that I hear about Java Server Pages (JSP) is that it doesn't strictly separate the presentation logic from the business logic, and there seems to be many solutions developed that aim to force this strict MVC separation. As developers, why should we depend on technology to force adherence to the goals of MVC? It is certainly possible to develop JSP pages that adhere to principles of MVC. If model or controller logic creeps into a JSP page, it our own fault. [Niel Eyde on JSP and MVC]

Greg says the nicest things.

Greg recently moved off of FreeRoller to his own site at He left FreeRoller, but apparently not because he disliked Roller. Thanks Greg!
[thanks to] Dave Johnson and Roller contributors: Matt Raible, Lance Lavandowska. I must admit Roller v. 0.9.6.x seriously kicks ass. It's awesome. Great work. I had been tempted to install Roller on my webserver, but finally decided that the simpler application would be more appropriate.

FreeRoller problems.

FreeRoller has been up and down for the past couple of days. After looking at the logs, I that believe Roller has been going into an infinite loop of recursion because Roller's error page error.jsp declares itself to be it's own error page. When an error occurs on error.jsp, error.jsp is called where an error occurs and error.jsp is called where an error occurs and so on and so on. I'm not sure what the first error is or what the error on error.jsp is, but I've given FreeRoller a new error.jsp that should have better behavior. Maybe the new error.jsp will also reveal the root of the problem.

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