Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
<a href= "http://www.russellbeattie.com/notebook/index.jsp?date=20021015#002353"> What was I doing in 1993? That the year that my short stint as an independent GIS consultant came to an end. In December 1992, my wife Andi and I returned from our year and a half in <a href= "http://www.uwimona.edu.jm/">Jamaica where I had been working as a GRASS GIS consultant. We moved to my hometown Chapel Hill, NC and I was hoping that I could continue working there as an independent consultant.
Before I left Jamaica, I landed a contract with the <a href= "http://www.opengis.org/"> Open GIS Foundation and the <a href= "http://www.cedr.berkeley.edu/">Univ. of California Berkeley to develop a X-Windows based raster editor for GRASS. I wanted to find more work like that, but I just didn't have the contacts needed to continue consulting on my own. By July 1993, I had accepted a great job with the GIS group at NYNEX Science and Technology (now part of Verizon) in White Plains, NY.
After writing this up, I was browsing the pages for Berkeley's REGIS program and learned some sad news. The kind person who I worked for at Berkeley and who offered me a job there back in 1993, Kenn Gardels, passed away in 1999 at the age of 44.
Dave Johnson in General
03:30PM Oct 15, 2002
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Dave Johnson in General
02:02PM Oct 15, 2002
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