O'Reilly weblogs?

For those unfamiliar with the saying, there's an American proverb that states, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater"--in short, don't throw the good away with the bad. EJB is not the sum total of J2EE--in fact, it's probably the one bad apple in the barrel. [Ted Neward, <a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/weblog/view/wlg/1922" style="font-style: italic;">The Death of EJB As We Know It, on the O'Reilly network] 

I found that and another interesting article titled J2EE Open Source on O'Reilly weblogs today.  They are dated August 30th and I guess I missed them due to my narrow-minded weblog-centric surfing habits.  Anyhow... good stuff, but why does O'Reilly call those things "weblogs" they look like plain old articles to me.

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