Roller 0.9.5 caveats

Matt Raible has successfully upgraded to Roller 0.9.5. The problems that Matt encountered were minor: a couple of Installation Guide mistakes and a problem with the Roller 0.9.4 to Roller 0.9.5 database migration script. At this point, I don't think a Roller release is necessary. If you are going to try Roller 0.9.5 please be aware of the following caveats:

  • Use the online version of the Installation Guide instead of the one that comes with the Roller download.
  • If you are doing a Roller 0.9.4 to Roller 0.9.5 migration, contact us on the roller-user list and we will hook you up with the right database migration script and we will try to walk you through the migration process.

Web app UI design

I've always been interested in UI design, but I have never been very good at it. My previous UI development experience involved Windows via MFC and Java via Swing. Webapp UI design is quite a different beast and I would like to (at a minimum) understand the basics. So I searched around a came up with a couple of key links:

And a couple of books:
  • <a href= ""> Don't Make Me Think - Krug and Black
  • <a href= ""> Designing Web Usability : The Practice of Simplicity - Neilsen
  • <a href= ""> The Art and Science of Web Design - Veen
  • <a href= ""> Web Design in a Nutshell - Niederst
Those books seem to emphasize website UI design more than webapp UI design. I'm more intested in creating usable web apps than in creating beautiful web sites. If you have some other website and book recommendations for webapp UI design, I'd like to hear about them.

Mr. Fat and Happy

The <a href= ""> No Bottle Tonight night was really an exception. Baby Leo is normally very easy to handle and almost always smiling and happy. I'm not sure why he is so much easier to deal with than his two older brothers were. Leo is in the 100th percentile in terms of size, so perhaps Leo is simply enjoying the one short part of life where everybody agrees that fat = happy.

Problems with 0.9.5

Matt Raible has encounted a couple of problems with the new Roller 0.9.5 release. I'm still not sure if this will warrant a release, but I will keep you posted.

  • The example Context configuration in the Installation Guide creates a JDBCRealm that points to the table 'user' when it should point to the table named 'rolleruser'. This has been corrected in the online copy of the Roller Install Guide.
  • The Roller 0.9.4 to 0.9.5 migration scripts fails to migrate the BOOKMARK table correctly. We are still looking into this one and should have an answer later today.

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