Dave Johnson on open web technologies, social software and software development
Everything I read on the web is potential blog material and I find I am reading much more and chasing all kinds of ideas a lot further than I used to [...] The last few years of the Internet bubble were riddled with people trying to make money on stuff that should have been someone's hobby. Maybe the core of blogging is this way. Maybe I should be thinking about what social changes blogging causes and what new businesses this enables or makes obsolete? Addicted to Blogging, Joi ItoJoi is an interesting guy: a technology exec and investor who has been involved in online collaboration since well before the early days of the web. He has written for Wired, spent time with Timothy Leary, and was named one of the 100 Global Leaders of Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum. He has been writing for the web for a long time and now he is blogging (with Movable Type no less).
Dave Johnson in General
04:15PM Aug 20, 2002
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