There is a little bit of text on my screen now that says "Trial version: 3 days remaining" so I guess it is now time to fork over $39.95 to UserLand. 

I have just about convinced myself to pay for a Servlet supporting ISP to host my Roller-based weblog.  I have been scouring the ISP list at to find something suitable.  The best deal I have found so far is  For $19.95/month they have what I need: a devoted VM, Tomcat 4.X, and MySQL.  If you know of something better or have something to say about Threadcount, please let me know.  The fact that their FAQ link currently leads to a 404 is a little troubling.

I guess I will also need a domain name.  Threadcount offers domain name registration for "as little as" $15.95/year.  Are there any other hidden costs?  Any suggestions for the domain name?

Three days is not enough time to make the move and I'm still not quite ready to eat my own dog food as they say.  So don't worry Dave, your money is on the way.

By the way, I'm also in need of a name for a new baby boy due in June.  My favorites (Wolfgang and Otto) are out.  Any ideas?  I already have a Linus.

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