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The future of Project SocialSite: Apache?

Since January, the future of https://socialsite.dev.java.net">Project SocialSite has been in the hands of the SocialSite community. During that time, I continued working on the project almost because I think it's got great potential and I would really like to see it live on in some form. That's also why I continued to talk to Sun about the project.

Today, I'm very happy to announce that Sun Microsystems is willing to contribute Project SocialSite to the Apache Software Foundation. It's not clear whether SocialSite should be contributed into Shindig or as a new incubator project, but either way I think this is the best thing for the project and will give it the best possible chances for building a thriving community. I've started some discussions about this on Apache-private mailing lists and I'll let you know what happens next.

This post brings to an end my series of posts about Shindig for blogs and wikis. Here are links to the earlier posts:

By the way, I delivered my Shindig talk just a couple of minutes ago. It was well-attended and I think it went pretty well. You can find the slides online at the ApacheCon EU 2009 site here: http://www.eu.apachecon.com/c/aceu2009/sessions/184">Shindig for Blogs and Wikis. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...


Cool Dave Count on Globant to help you on this. Cheers ropu

Posted by Bruno Ropu Rovagnati on March 27, 2009 at 05:24 PM EDT #

Great news!, hope to see it in ASF soon.

Posted by Leandro Milmanda on March 27, 2009 at 10:23 PM EDT #

Is there any update on this information, what is the status of social site incubation ? Is there any well known alternative to SocialSite for someone who wants to integrate Shindig to turn its web site into a social site ?

Posted by frederic rougeot on December 16, 2009 at 08:06 AM EST #

No news yet, but I'm hopeful that I will have some news by early 2010... stay tuned. - Dave

Posted by Dave Johnson on December 18, 2009 at 03:02 AM EST #


I've been exploring Shindig for the past month. I've seen posts in the Shindig dev mailing list from other developers like me who are trying to leverage the Shindig gadget container to produce gadget dashboards similiar to iGoogle and JIRA. Chris Chabot has stated in the mailing lists (I'm paraphrasing here) that Shindig is focused provide gadget and OpenSocial services for clients and servers but the UI is not Shindig's focus.

I stumbled across SocialSite yesterday and thought the project may be picking up where Shindig leaves off. After reading your blog posts, I get the sense I may be right. Is SocialSite something I should consider using if I want to build a gadget container UI in an application? If SocialSite can be leveraged to help construct a gadget container UI then I'd be very interested in participating in the project. In the meantime, should I use what is out on java.net to continue my evaluation?


Posted by Jason Southern on January 07, 2010 at 03:48 PM EST #

SocialSite provides a social graph server (stores profiles, connections, activities, etc.) and Gadgets that provide a complete UI for social networking features. It does not provide a drag-and-drop dashboard that holds gadgets (yet). I'm not sure if that's what you are looking for, but please do take a closer look. The Java.net project is a good starting point (for now). - Dave

Posted by Dave Johnson on January 12, 2010 at 08:33 PM EST #

Hi Dave I know it has been a while since the last comment here so I was just wondering if there has been any news on whether this project is going to be revived? Are you aware of any other similar projects in the Java world? Thanks

Posted by Farid on May 07, 2011 at 04:54 PM EDT #

There is still some small chance that Oracle will come through and complete the code grant to Apache, but in some sense that is just the first step... SocialSite needs a lot of work and it pretty far behind in terms of OpenSocial versions and Shindig, etc.

Posted by Dave Johnson on May 08, 2011 at 03:55 PM EDT #

Hey Dave, how is the progress now ?

Posted by Simer Plaha on April 27, 2012 at 11:50 PM EDT #

Simer, I've given up on trying to get Oracle to donate SocialSite as they promised. If you're interested in OpenSocial-based infrastructure, checkout Apache Rave and Apache Shindig. - Dave

Posted by Dave Johnson on April 29, 2012 at 12:44 PM EDT #

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