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JavaOne: putting the web back in web services

photo of me giving my talk
(photo thanks to Marc Hadley)

I haven't seen any reviews yet, but I thought my talk went quite well. Over 500 people registered and it seemed that the room (capacity 620) was overflowing. My demo worked, despite the fact that I had to work on a Windows box (and found some problems in my .BAT scripts). And I got the timing right too. I finished about ten minutes early, but that was perfect because there were lots of questions.

I think I got the point across that Atom protocol is generic, not just for blogs and applicable to a wide range of problems. I also made a point of promoting Marc Hadley's work on WADL and his talk on RESTful web services with JAX-WS.  Turns out Marc Hadley was in the audience. We'd never met before and my talk ended at noon, so we had lunch together and had a nice chat about WS-* and REST and life in general.

I attended Marc's talk later in the day and it was packed; I'd estimate he had over a thousand attendees. Based on the attendance at my talk, Marc's talk and the number of times I've heard or seen the acronym REST mentioned, I'd have to say that Java folks are pretty interested in putting the web back into web services (is that a Jon Udellism?).

You can get my slides from the JavaOne Content Catalog (link is TS-1756). You can also get the software that I demonstrated, which was the Blogapps Server (the Atom server) and the Chapter 10 code from the Blogapps Examples (the Atom client) download. You can get both of those from the Blogapps project on Java.Net.

Tags: topic:[Java], topic:[JavaOne], topic:[REST], topic:[Atom]

Congrats and I am really sorry I couldn't be there...

Posted by Steven Citron-Pousty on May 18, 2006 at 01:44 AM EDT #

That's great Dave, I also wish I could attend but thanks for quickly publishing the slides! I can't think about a better way than the Atom Publication Protocol to demonstrate the capabilities of REST. Just one precision, REST needs just XML and HTTP, but any media type (pictures, videos, etc.) can also be exchanged if needed.

Jerome Louvel
Restlet, a REST framework for Java

Posted by on May 18, 2006 at 06:08 AM EDT #

[Trackback] JavaOne 2006 has finally seen its first persentation about REST. Dave Johnson, from Sun, has demonstrated the beauty of REST with this presentation of the Atom Publication Protocol, one of the finest REST example available. This is great! Marc Hadley, ...

Posted by Noelios on May 24, 2006 at 07:54 AM EDT #

Hey.. i have found a presentation explaining details of how a web service call is actually made to the remote server using SOAp over HTTP. http://ankitjain.info/ankit/2007/01/06/web-service-ppt-download - Rahul

Posted by Rahul on March 17, 2007 at 10:51 AM EDT #

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