
OSCache does in fact rock. And it rocks even if you are not using JSPs, as I have mentioned before. Roller pages don't use JSP and they are still able to take advantage of OSCache goodness.

Blog HTML editor options

The Mozilla Composite Editor works pretty well, but it seems to eat some spaces every once andawhile (see what I mean) . I have also had intermittent problems getting it's link editor to work. The editor is only at version 0.0.5,so I have confidence that it will be fixed and will eventually become my editor of choice.

I've been using the Ekit editor, but it has some problems as well. The main problem with Ekit is the Java Plugin. The Java Plugin is just not that stable, at least not on Mozilla 1.1. Every third or forth time I hit the post button to submit a weblog edit, Mozilla locks up! I wonder if this is a JRE 1.3.1/WinXP/Mozilla specific issue. Has anybody else(hi Matt and  Russell) experienced such flakeyness on other platforms?

Delusions of grandeur

With this idea in place, we would single-handedly and instantly capture the entire blogging market [...] Husband and wife Ben and Mena Trott, creators of the perl-based Movable Type, are going to be like deer in headlights when Skribe moves Movable Type over into the junkyard! [a post from the Skribe dev forum]
That is some tough talk for a project whose CVS archive is empty.

Mozilla Composite Editor.

Wow, that looks cool! I'm editing this post with it now. Very nice.

Using Castor JDO for SQL Mapping.

Here is one for the reading queue: Jeff Lowery's new OnJava article about Castor JDO.

Applying the torture

Scott: Hey! I clicked the Next button below your calendar, but it failed to show me tomorrows blog! I want tomorrow's news today! What gives? I did enjoy the "There are four lights" title to one of your blurbs, though. It made me snicker. Or snigger. Or whatever.

Dave: What is so friggin funny about "There are four lights?"

Scott: I snickered (sniggered) because of the four lights that always shine on "four lights the clown." Don't tell me you don't know about old "four lights!" He's the funniest clown around, save Lemons.

Dave: Mark Pilgrim seems to like torture people with obscure literary and pop-culture references. I could find nothing about four lights the clown, but I did find this StarTrek TNG reference.

Scott: I thought that it was you, not Mr. Pilgrim, that decided on the "four lights" blurb title.  Of course there's no "Four Lights the Clown!" Of course I knew it was a STNG reference. That's why I thought it was so great -- because of the wonderful obscurity, yet definite applicability, of the blurb title. Four Lights the Clown. Heh heh.

Dave: now who is applying the torture?

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