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Recent posts from the Apache community

This page uses Roller's built-in "planet" aggregator to bring you the latest posts from Apache Software Foundation and other Apache committers. You can also subscribe to this page as an feedicon RSS 2.0 feed.

Minecraft Modding at Denver's Devoxx4Kids Matt Raible
Last weekend, Denver's Devoxx4Kids gathered at Tuliva to learn about Modding Minecraft . Several kids (ages 7-15) were introduced to programming Java by the founder of Devoxx4Kids USA , Arun Gupta , and his son, Aditya . They used Java...
How do I become a programmer? Matt Raible
Yesterday, I received a message from a friend, asking about how to become a programmer. It's not the first time I've been asked this. In fact, this summer I've been asked by several friends how to get into the field. It seems that as people grow older, they...
Setting up a Minecraft Server in the Cloud Matt Raible
My 10-year-old son, Jack, is a huge fan of Minecraft . If you let him, he'd play all day, skipping meals and having a blast. It's most fun to hear him playing with his sister or his best friend. I'm amazed it's captured his attention for so long; well...
UberConf 2015: My Presentations on Apache Camel and Java Webapp Security Matt Raible
Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at UberConf 2015 . My first talk was on Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel . This presentation contained an intro to Apache Camel and a recap of my experience using it at a client last year . You can...
Grails + Angular vs. JHipster Matt Raible
I recently received an email from a long time follower of my comparing web frameworks research and presentations. He asked some interesting questions: I am starting on a new venture to build a direct to consumer web application. I am planning to leverage...

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