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Apache Maven EAR Plugin Version 3.3.0 Released khmarbaise
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven EAR Plugin, version 3.3.0 This plugin generates Java EE Enterprise Archive (EAR) file. It can also generate the deployment descriptor file (e.g. application.xml). You should...
Apache Maven Doxia Version 2.0.0-M4 released khmarbaise
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Doxia Version 2.0.0-M4, Released Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its users with powerful techniques for generating static and dynamic content: Doxia...
CVE-2022-42889: interpolations that allow RCE disabled in Commons Text 1.10.0 raboof
On 2022-10-13, the Apache Commons Text team disclosed CVE-2022-42889 . Key takeaways: If you rely on software that uses a version of commons-text prior to 1.10.0, you are likely still not vulnerable: you are only affected when this software...
Apache Isis version 2.0.0-M9 Released danhaywood
The Apache Isis team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Isis 2.0.0-M9. This is primarily a security release, to fix an XSS vulnerability (CVE-2022-42466).  There are one or two other small improvements and bug fixes. Full release notes are...
Fruity Eclipse Collections paulk
This blog post continues on to some degree from the previous post , but instead of deep learning, we'll look at clustering using k-means after first exploring some top methods of Eclipse Collections with fruit emoji examples. Eclipse Collections...

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